Oven Chamber Top

Wood Burning Pizza Oven - Chamber Top

Creating the templates and building the pizza oven chamber arches was a very challenging and rewarding part of the construction project. Boral bricks in Carrollton, TX was the source for the fire bricks.

The carpentry work in all phases of the oven construction was fun, well i like this type of work and challenge. Creating the forms for the oven chamber dome, the front over arch, and the chimney arch were particularly challenging and fun.

Ready to lay first course of oven chamber dome bricks. Form and shim in place. First course was successful. That was nerve wracking and rewarding.

Three rows completed. Looking like a wood burning brick pizza oven is getting close.

Next critical step, creation of the oven chamber front dome. See Rado Hands site and plans www.traditionaloven.com for information on this part of the design. There is a ratio you need to maintain for the best oven performance (ratio of oven chamber interior height to oven chamber entry dome height)

Transition bricks in place. Transition from oven chamber dome to oven chamber entrance arch,

Interior view of brick oven chamber dome to entrance arch.

(C) Marketcarver, Inc